Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Baby Update!

Yesterday Will and I went in for our second Dr. appointment. We were hoping to get enough courage to ask the Dr. if we could squeeze in an ultrasound (we aren't scheduled for one till August 8) so that we could find out what the sex is but we sort of clammed up when the time came. Instead, we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat. It took the Dr. a while to find it. You should have seen the look on Will's face as we waited! The Dr. noticed and said not to worry, that he heard the heart beat but he wanted to find a spot where it was loud so that we could hear it. Sure enough the baby popped to the surface and it's heartbeat came through loud and clear! Will's face was covered with relief!

Since work is slow right now and I'm waiting for information to come in from clients, I decided to look around the internet for Nursery ideas. This construction theme will definately have to be what we use if we are having a boy!!! Will wants to leave the light steel purple color that we have on the walls right now but I'm not sure that would quite go with this theme!

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