This is me watching Will and Seth shoot their guns at the shooting range. The manager there was nice enough to not charge me for watching and he even said it was ok if I wanted to shoot a couple of rounds. So, I took a turn and tried out both Will and Seth's gun. I was practically blown away by Seth's gun it had so much power, and I wasn't really a good shot with either one. But I still had such a blast!
When we got to the shooting range Will and Seth set up their targets and had to wait 20 minutes until the next "cease fire" before they could take them out to the burms and set them up.
These are benches to set up a rifle or really big heavy gun. You can sit and aim at targets as far out as 350 yards! Imagine having to walk all the way out there (and uphill!) to change the target sheet! Luckily there wasn't anyone that was shooting that far so we didn't have to wait that long to begin shooting again.
What a perfect shot of Will shooting Seth's gun. Even in Will's big strong hands it had a ton of kick...imagine me shooting it!
Seth was trying a one-handed cowboy manuever in this shot. His cowboy gun (that's what it looks like!) was actually more accurate than Will's. I don't remember specific names.
Seth was having way too much fun!
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