Thursday, January 02, 2014

2014 Photo Project...Dare I Take The Challenge?!

365 Inspiring Photographs

I follow a lovely little knitting blog called Polka Dot Cottage.  Her most recent post was about starting a 365 day project revolving around photography.  She is starting her 6th year-long photo project (Wow!) which has inspired me to give it a shot as well!  Her project will be structured, taking specific shots per day based on a monthly theme.  I think I'm going to be a little more generic and take 365 photos of things that give me inspiration.  

"Stripped Away" (photo #1)

This photo is such a great depiction of Winter.  Everything is bare and exposed.  You can really see all of the intricacy of the twigs, bleached by the sun, twisting together and around each other.  Reminds me of beautiful lace.  Dare I say...I'm feeling inspired! ;)  As Google puts it, inspiration is "The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative."  Bring on the inspiration!!


Candace said...

I always love a good project, Steph, as well as a challenge! Looking forward to seeing what you capture this year!

Lisa Clarke said...

Thanks for linking to my blog! I hope you've been able to keep up with your photo project :-)