Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Succulent Extravaganza!

This weekend is Will's and my six year anniversary.  Normally we don't make too big of a deal about anniversaries or birthdays but this year we thought it would be fun to do something.  Unfortunately we couldn't really come up with anything that sounded fun without spending a lot of money and/or time.  So, we sort of forgot about it and were planning on doing nothing...until a few days ago when my WONDERFUL husband told me he changed his mind.  We are going away for the weekend, he is planning it all, and it's (well it was going to be) a surprise!!!  Wow, how cool.  I love surprises and the thing that I wanted most for this weekend was for my husband to want to do something with me.  So no matter what he was planning, he couldn't go wrong!

The surprise part didn't last but a couple of days.  He just waited for me to lose a little bit of initial excitement about the trip before revealing his secret plans.  So you wanna know where we are going?

Seriously, if you have any interest in plants, especially succulents, like me, check out this website:  This place, "Succulent Gardens - The Growing Grounds" is so spectacular!  There will be little seminars packed with info about growing succulents, landscaping with them, using them in pots, etc.  I'm so excited I'm bursting out of my skin!  

There is just something about succulents that fascinate me.  When Will told me this morning at 4:30am I popped out of bed like a shot and ran to the computer to look it up.  Then I went downstairs, made some coffee and ran outside (still dark so I had to turn on the outside lights) and counted how many varieties I have in my little patio garden.  I counted 17 different succulents!!!  I had 18 but had to finally get rid of one after fighting some sort of infection/pest for months.  I have no idea what all their names are but I hope to find out this weekend. 

I will be adding pictures of my succulents soon!
All photos in this post were taken from

1 comment :

Brianna Renee said...

How exciting! I love succulents too. Happy anniversary :)