For Christmas we got the kids pedal-less bikes. These bikes are supposed to teach the kids how to balance on a bike without having to worry about the coordination of pedaling. Then, in theory, when they get the hang of the balance, they should be able to simply hop on a pedal bike and only have to learn how to pedal.
After flying down a hill in our backyard bouncing over dirt-clods and pot-holes with squeals of joy, Will and I decided it was time for them to learn how to pedal. So, to the store we went in search of their first big kid bikes!
Will and Molly insisted that picking out a bike was such an important task that we check out all the stores that have bikes before we actually make a purchase. We went to Wal-Mart first where Molly found the most glamorous Barbie bike I've ever seen. She was in love but didn't push for us to buy it for her before checking out the other stores first.
We then went to Sport Chalet. Their bikes are all name brand but two and a half times the price. Seriously. Will said that they would last longer and if a part broke you could actually replace it, but we both ended up agreeing that we will wait to spend the big bucks on a bike that they will not grow out of in a few years.
From there we jogged over to Target. Unfortunately Target doesn't have kids bikes assembled. It makes sense though as we remembered that the messiest part of Wal-Mart was the bike section where kids bikes and accessories were strewn all over the place. By this point in our evening we were all pretty worn out. Molly didn't see anything that compared to the Barbie bike extraordinaire so she and I split off to look at girly things while Will and Willy further inspected the boy bikes. We left Target with the "Gravel Grinder!" for Willy. The fact that it was in a box didn't stop Willy from hopping on it and "riding" it with "Weeeeee"s and all while we were in the checkout line. Being with Willy in a store is kind of like being with a celebrity. Everyone that sees him looks a little longer and smiles a little bigger. He will start a conversation with anyone who is in his vicinity for more than 30 seconds and I have yet to witness someone disregard him or do anything but encourage him to keep talking. He's just...darling.

Ahhh, where was I? Oh, yes-leaving Target. Obviously we had to go back to Wal-Mart to get Molly's bike. We traveled all the way across Visalia for the second time using images of pink tassels and Barbie doll love to get us there. By the time we arrived Willy and I were just about passed out from exhaustion. Will, being the wonderful daddy that he is, took Molly in to buy the bike. About 15 minutes later I watched Molly ride out of Wal-Mart with Daddy right behind her. It seemed as though everyone was watching with complete adoration and you would almost have expected them to break out in applause.
After our shopping spree we went home to dream about the great bike adventures to come.