As many of you know, I like to sew. I especially love making things for my babies. I was doing some research trying to find a way to custom-make some clothes for my babes and I came across the most adorable site: http://www.handpickedpumpkin.com/. It's so cute, you can pick different fabrics and customize a whole outfit. I love it. Anyway, I signed up for their e-mail and found out that they are having their first contest. :) The idea is to tell them what our favorite item of baby clothing is so they can get some ideas on a new design for the hand picked pumpkin collection. Great idea. Here is what I love:
My daughter is 2 and a half and very tall and thin. She's about a size 24month waist, but 3T length (I haven't gotten her to stand still long enough to get her actual measurements :)! So, whenever I go shopping for pants for her I always look for that nifty design inside the waistband. There is elastic sewn into the waistband with a little button at the opening. The elastic has holes in it so as you pull it out so you can cinch it up real tight. Since I have never seen a child's belt (they probably would never keep it on anyway), I love this feature so she isn't walking around in floods or with her pants around her ankles.
That's it for now. If you have someone to buy baby clothes for, you should definitely check out this website.
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